Swas G., a senior at PRISMS, will play in Moliere's beloved "Le Malade Imaginaire," directed by Florent Masse, virtually. Swas is an actor in The Troupe of L'Avant-Scène at Princeton University, and this will be the Troupe's second play of the academic year. Swas is the only high school student performing in the play.
When: Thursday, March 4 at 8:00 pm, Friday, March 5 at 5:30 pm or 8:00 pm.
The production will feature advanced L'Avant-Scène students Nick Shashkini '21, Anna Vinitsky '21, Jason Qu '21, Morgan Teman '23, Peter Foster '21, Isabelle Chen FIT, Gavin LaPlace '23, Swas Goel, Sultan Habsi '22, Marley Jacobson '22, and Alex Deland '21. Students will be performing the play live. The play is in French, with an approximate running time of 90 min.
Please RSVP for one of the three performances.
Sign up for FREE here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lavant-scene-presents-le-malade-imaginaire-by-moliere-tickets-142261141905?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
The link to the webinar performance will be sent the morning of the performance.
The Members of the Troupe (including Swas!): https://fit.princeton.edu/lavant-scene/troupe