The generosity and commitment of our parents, alumni, and friends help to maintain an excellent PRISMS education. No gift is too small, and your support helps make PRISMS extraordinary!


The PRISMS Fund stands as a beacon of opportunity and empowerment. This versatile fund plays a vital role in shaping the school's future, fostering excellence, and unlocking new horizons. It allows us to adapt, innovate, and elevate our educational experience, all thanks to the generous contributions from our community. For designated gifts, visit capital and endowment giving.


The PRISMS Fund plays a pivotal role in our school's continuous enhancement. It powers academic excellence by enabling us to develop innovative programs and teaching methods that stay ahead of the curve. Financial aid is another vital aspect, ensuring that every student, regardless of financial constraints, can access our quality education. Beyond academics, this fund enriches our arts programs and athletic facilities, fostering creativity, teamwork, and leadership skills among our students. Additionally, it supports essential campus upgrades and infrastructure improvements, creating a safe, modern, and conducive learning environment. These examples represent just a glimpse of its versatility, as there are numerous other ways the fund can make a difference. The PRISMS Fund exemplifies our commitment to providing a holistic and enriching educational experience.


Contributing to the PRISMS Fund is an investment in our school's legacy and the future of education. Your support empowers us to enrich the educational experience, invest in excellence, and leave a lasting impact for generations to come. It's a way to directly influence the quality of education we offer, fostering a community of leaders, scholars, and lifelong learners. Your generosity fuels creativity, innovation, and inclusivity, ensuring that our school remains at the forefront of educational excellence. By joining us in supporting the PRISMS Fund, you become an essential part of our shared mission to shape a brighter future, where every student reaches their full potential and becomes a positive force in our world.